A Champion of Change

Having served with the Victoria Police Force for 30 years -through discrimination, bullying, and sexual harassment to emerge stronger and more resilient, Carolyn will inspire, motivate and empower!

Now retired from the Victoria Police Force, Carolyn Pethick is travelling Australia and afar sharing her experiences discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment within the ranks of Victoria Police and how she overcame them.

Carolyn’s presentations focus on encouraging people to speak up about the bullying and discrimination that occur in the community, schools and workplaces on a daily basis.  Had some managers not spoken up for Carolyn – risking their own careers – she possibly would not be here today to tell her story and help others.

She is also educating the offenders on the long term effects that these behaviours can have on their victims. Carolyn has made it her mission to be the voice of the victims, both male and female, who are too scared or intimidated to speak out for themselves.


Strength - Courage - Resilience

Carolyn reported her workplace discrimination and bullying and the repercussions were often worse.
Her story of perseverance to become stronger and more resilient will inspire and motivate your audience!

Counting the Costs

Victims of bullying often experience a range of physical & mental health issues.
The costs of bullying and discrimination can’t all be measured in $.

Working Together

Had some managers not spoken up for Carolyn, risking their own careers, she may not be here today to tell her story and help others.
Carolyn shares ways that we can all take positive action and empower each other.


Keynote Speaker – A Police Woman’s Story

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Format: ​45 -60 minute keynote

Carolyn speaks from the heart as she details her true-life experiences dealing with the very relevant issues of bullying and discrimination.

She is passionate about not now tipping the scales of justice in the opposite direction and discriminating against males.    It should never be about gender.   It should always be about mutual respect, dignity and equality.

Carolyn’s presentation is emotional, straight forward and captivating.    It will inspire, motivate and help to empower your audience.

Target Audience

  • Anyone & Everyone!

Topics Covered

  • Bullying and Discrimination
  • Politics and the Workplace
  • Social Issues
  • Health & Well-being
  • Positive Action

Audience Will Take Away

  • Many thought provoking questions that will be discussed long after Carolyn’s presentation
  • ​A new outlook on workplace bullying – Why the “Bully” does what they do
  • Don’t be the innocent bystander – there is no such thing
  • What it means to overcome the isolation and bullying of workplace harassment
  • It should always be about equality and respect, not gender
  • We all have an inner strength
  • Inspiration & motivation to be part of the solution


Dear Carolyn, Thank you so much for your talk to our club. The disappointing reality that you were faced with— disrespect, harassment and discrimination— makes the work you did in your career even more impressive. Nobody should have to face the obstacles you did, but your determination in the face of that adversity is one of the reasons why things are improving. I was most impressed with the way you managed to maintain a stubborn optimism in the face of your treatment. The positive approach you took did not seem to stem from being ignorant of or naïve to the attitudes of those you worked with, or a dismissal of the existence of barriers, but an expectation that there was a path forward, no matter how difficult things were. I appreciate the time you took to speak to us and, more than that, the work you did over your history of service in the police force to shift the narrative and change the perceptions of women working in a difficult and dangerous field. The club was very lucky to have had the benefit of your talk. Thank you again, Mike Finke.”


Carolyn Pethick enthralled our Sunbury and Macedon Ranges VIEW Club meeting with stories from her book, TO HELL AND BACK, A POLICEWOMAN’S STORY. The ladies loved her presentation and were eager to purchase her book afterwards to learn more. As the Program Officer for that VIEW Club, I am always searching for interesting Guest Speakers and previously, when I attended a function where Carolyn was speaking, I immediately approached her after and asked her to talk to our group. Listening to her twice was a huge bonus. I have since recommended Carolyn to nearby Probus Clubs. If you have the chance to attend a function when Carolyn is speaking, I would suggest that you don’t miss it.”


Business & Industry

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Format: 45 -60 minute keynote | Half day workshop

It was not a “one-off” event. The continual discrimination and bullying continued for over 30 years and was considered acceptable behaviour. Carolyn shares her experiences and how she has come through it all stronger, more resilient and with an inner courage that gives her a voice we all need.

It is estimated that workplace bullying costs the Australian Economy $36 billion per year.
Are you providing a safe workplace?

It is estimated that workplace bullying cost the Australian Economy $36 billion per year.
Had some middle managers not spoken up for Carolyn – risking their own careers – she possibly would not be here today to tell her story and help others.  They were strong people who recognised an injustice and rather than bury their heads in the sand, they chose to speak out, to take action and try to help.  Little did they know, at the time, but their actions probably saved a life and will continue to help others now by Carolyn being here to share her story.
Organisations also have to consider the business impact of having bullies in their workforces.  With bullied staff members feeling additional strain, potentially falling ill more frequently and likely to consider quitting their jobs, bullying has a direct impact on productivity and profits.
Employees who face bullying in the workplace may experience a number of issues, including stress, depression, illness, insomnia and even suicidal behaviour.  These consequences influence the workers’ lives inside and outside of the office, infiltrating all areas of day-to-day activities, family life and broader social engagement.
Carolyn has lived through this and survived to tell her story.  She lets the victims know they are not alone and that they can speak out.  She lets the offenders know, in no uncertain terms, of the impact they are having on their victims and to seriously reconsider their behaviour.
Carolyn’s presentation will help to increase staff morale and productivity in your workplace by encouraging your people to think outside of the box, in new and exciting ways, about what they can do to eradicate discrimination and bullying in their own workplace.

Target Audience

  • Managers
  • Employees
  • Corporate
  • Trades people
  • HR Professionals
  • Risk Managers

The audience will take away

  • A new understanding of what these behaviours are costing your business – directly and indirectly
  • A new outlook on workplace bullying and what it means to overcome the isolation and bullying of workplace harassment
  • Why the “Bully “does what they do
  • Identify what is going on with you and how to ask for help
  • Don’t be the innocent bystander
  • Speak up

Teachers, Staff and Students

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Format: ​45 -60 minute keynote | Half day workshop for students

Bullying in Australian schools is an important issue due to its high prevalence among Australian students and the lasting impacts it has beyond a student’s school years.
The annual economic impact of bullying in Australian schools totals an estimated $2.3 billion, incurred while children are in school and for 20 years after school completion.   Almost 25% of school students in Australia, or an estimated 910,000 children, experience bullying at some stage during their time in school.   It has been estimated that there are around 45 million bullying incidents across all schools each year, instigated by around 543,000 perpetrators.
Carolyn relates her story in an emotional, straight forward and captivating way, guaranteed to hold both your students and teachers attention. She speaks from the heart as she details her true life experiences dealing with such a relevant issue in today’s society.
She will let the victims know that they are not alone, that they do have the inner strength, courage and resilience to get through their ordeal and that no one has the power to dictate to them how they should feel.
Carolyn has lived through these experiences for over 30 years but is now stronger more resilient and passionate about her future and helping others to see that they also have a bright future ahead of them.

Target Audience

  • Students
  • Teachers and all staff
  • Parents

Audience Will Take Away

  • Speak up
  • A bully is someone desperate for power
  • You can get through it and become a stronger person
  • No one has the power to dictate to you how you feel
  • Identify how you are feeling and know when to ask for help
  • Teachers: know when to take action

Relevant Testimonials

I chose to do a lotus flower as my design because it symbolises strength & happiness. They grow in deep murky waters and despite being in a dark and harsh environment, they stand tall and proud. This reminded me of your talk. I liked how you said we have the power to choose how we feel, and we shouldn’t let other people take that from us. Each day we can choose to be happy and do what is right. Thank you for teaching us that lesson.
One part of your talk that I am especially grateful for is when you said that even though we might feel like people are always talking about us, they most likely aren’t. This has really helped me lately with worrying about what people might be thinking about me, when they most likely have their minds on something completely different. Your talk had a great impact on me.

Ella Robinson, Student, Camberwell Girls School

Just a quick email to say thank you for speaking to my Year 8s today. I was talking to a few of them this afternoon and they were saying how they enjoyed listening to you and that you gave them lots to think about.
I was really pleased to see the interviewers ‘warm up’ and occasionally deviate from their prepared questions – you obviously made them feel comfortable!
It’s invaluable for them to hear about other people’s experiences. I hope you enjoyed the interview! If you would like to see what the girls have created from hearing your stories, let me know and I will forward it on to you!

Emily Pandya, English & History Teacher

April 15th    Aspendale Gardens

May 22nd  |  Veront South Probus

May 27th  |  Greensborough View Club

June 27th  |  Greensborough RSL

July 17th   |  Montrose Probus Group
